Many in Rossville may believe that their driving skills will ensure their ability to avoid auto accidents. However, what people cannot account for on the road are the potential reckless and negligent actions of others. Those who choose to engage in dangerous behavior...
Strong Legal Help From Attorneys Who Care
Year: 2018
If you lost a loved one, should you seek financial compensation?
The loss of a loved one can devastate your Georgia family. It can leave you facing financial losses and bills, in addition to your extensive emotional suffering. While there is nothing you can do to bring your loved one back, you may be able to take legal action on...
Will you lose your house if you file for bankruptcy?
As a Georgia resident who is currently dealing with increasingly overwhelming debt, you may be thinking about whether filing for bankruptcy may give you the fresh financial start you need. You may, too, be wondering how doing so could potentially affect some of your...
Does workers’ compensation cover pain and suffering?
When you get injured in Georgia and go to court, you often can collect damages for pain and suffering. If you get injured on the job, instead of going to court, you file a claim with workers' compensation. You may wonder if you are entitled to payment for pain and...
What is the right defense strategy for your drunk driving charge?
When facing a drunk driving charge in Georgia, you could be facing penalties that can affect the rest of your life. From loss of driving privileges to time behind bars, the impact of a DUI or DWI can be far-reaching. It is in your best interests to fight back by...
Credit health after bankruptcy
There can be many reasons that people in Georgia avoid filing for bankruptcy, even when they cannot find any other way out from under a mounting pile of debt. One of the concerns commonly held by consumers is the fear that they may never be able to get credit again if...
Young and old can suffer slip-and-fall accidents
You may think that only elderly people need concern themselves about slipping and falling. However, we at Harriss and Hartman Law Firm have been representing fall victims in Georgia since 1972. Therefore, we know that injury from a fall can occur regardless of age,...
Does an acquittal prove your case was maliciously prosecuted?
The verdict from the jury comes back as “not guilty.” We would imagine many people who have just gone through a Georgia trial would experience great relief at being acquitted. However, it is also natural to feel anger and humiliation for having been put through the...
What happens if my claim is denied?
If you have an accident and are injured on your job in Georgia, you can file a claim with workers' compensation to get payment for your medical costs and lost wages. It is up to them to then process the claim and determine if you will get paid and what you will get...
Are you susceptible to respiratory illnesses due to your work?
Georgia workers are likely aware that if they experience injuries in the workplace, they could be eligible for benefits through workers' compensation. This insurance is for the care and support of individuals who suffer injuries in work-related accidents, but it can...