Many in Rossville may believe that their driving skills will ensure their ability to avoid auto accidents. However, what people cannot account for on the road are the potential reckless and negligent actions of others. Those who choose to engage in dangerous behavior behind the wheel may not only put themselves at risk, but also countless others. All too often, the degree of carelessness displayed by reckless drivers of results in catastrophic collision which produce damages and injuries that cannot be easily compensated for.
Such appears to have been the result of a crash caused by a wrong-way driver on the I-75 freeway in Henry County. Reports say that the driver of a small sedan entered the southbound express lanes early in the morning when they were only accommodating northbound traffic. Any thoughts that the driver may have simply made a mistake were seemingly erased when they drove through eight warning arms and a barrier gate. Eventually, the sedan collided with another vehicle head-on, while another vehicle also traveling northbound got caught up in the collisions. The extent of the injuries suffered by those involved was not reported; rather, it was only said that several people required medical attention. Authorities have not ruled out the possibility that alcohol may have been a factor.
Choosing to drink and drive may certainly be viewed as recklessness on the part of a careless individual. Yet liability for such an action may not be limited solely to the driver. Those who served them and contributed to their intoxication may also be held responsible in certain situations. Accidents victims might certainly need all the financial assistance they can get following such incidents. Such compensation might be easier to secure if one’s efforts are supported by an experienced personal injury attorney.