When you consider filing bankruptcy in Georgia, you may think there is only one type of bankruptcy. Often you just hear people saying they are going to file bankruptcy, using it as a general term. Actually, there are multiple types of bankruptcy. They are called...
Strong Legal Help From Attorneys Who Care
Harriss and Hartman Law Firm, P.C.
Why might you lose workers’ compensation benefits in GA?
If you sustain an injury on the job in Georgia, you have the right to collect workers' compensation benefits from your employer. Per Georgia law, these benefits should cover the cost of medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitative services and select other expenses....
The connection between an expunged conviction and empowerment
When people are convicted of crime in Georgia, they have the right to a fair trial. In every trial, the fate of alleged criminals if left in the hands of citizens who have an objective point of view to the case. While many are satisfied with the imprisonment of people...
Brain damage resulting from slip and falls
Georgian residents expect to be kept safe to a reasonable degree when out and about. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case. There are some instances where a poorly maintained location will have terrain that lends itself to slip-and-fall incidents. These incidents...
What is the workers’ compensation rate for lost wages?
One of the benefits of being an employee in Georgia is that your employer most likely must carry workers' compensation insurance under the law. Worker's compensation provides you with benefits if you are injured while at work. This insurance takes the burden off you...
Why was my disability claim denied?
Most likely, you thought Social Security Disability Insurance benefits would bring you some relief. If you are suffering from a medical condition or injury that prevents you from working, SSDI can provide you with funds to assist you with your bills and lost wages....
What do field sobriety tests prove?
If you know someone who has been arrested for and charged with a drunk driving offense in Georgia, you might know that they were asked to take field sobriety tests before they were arrested. You may not, however, fully understand what these tests are or how they may...
When a driver is extremely tired
Many people experience fatigue on a daily basis, whether they have to deal with stress around the household or in the office. Some people, however, may become extremely tired on certain occasions for a variety of reasons. Moreover, driving while in this state can be...
How does medical debt impact credit rating?
Having any type of debt has some effect on your credit rating in Georgia. However, not all debt is created equal in the eyes of the credit bureaus. One type of debt that they may treat in a different way is medical debt. Due to the state of healthcare many people have...
What impact will federal criminal justice reform have?
There are many who feel the criminal justice system has terrible problems. It can be difficult to argue when prisons are over capacity and crime does not seem to be decreasing. There have been many attempts to revise laws and make changes to fix the issue, but none...