When people are convicted of crime in Georgia, they have the right to a fair trial. In every trial, the fate of alleged criminals if left in the hands of citizens who have an objective point of view to the case. While many are satisfied with the imprisonment of people who have broken the law, a handful of people argue that unnecessary focus on a person’s convicted crimes can prevent them from living a quality life upon their release from behind bars.
Expunging a criminal record essentially means that a convicted criminal will no longer have his or her crimes shown on public record. Acquiring approval for an expunged record requires people to undergo a rigorous process designed to look carefully at the crime that was committed and whether or not the offense justifies the public’s awareness of a criminal’s past. A recent study completed in Michigan had the goal of proving that expunging criminal records may empower individuals to be even more successful.
Results showed that the average earnings of a previously convicted criminal whose record had been expunged, went up by more than 20 percent in just a year’s time. It was also found that people whose records had been cleared were surprisingly successful and had little incentive to reoffend. It was also found that many people opt to not request an expungement because the process is lengthy, not guaranteed and expensive.
If people are looking to have their records cleared and have worked hard to rebuild their reputation as a responsible and trustworthy citizen, an attorney may be able to help them accomplish their objective. Legal professionals understand how to present information in a way that is compelling and can support the agenda of someone looking for a new start at life.
Source: The New York Times, “The Case for Expunging Criminal Records,” J.J. Prescott and Sonja B. Starr, Mar. 20, 2019