When considering bankruptcy, you may instinctively know that it could help you, but you may still feel a bit apprehensive about going through with it. The process makes you nervous. You don’t want to make any mistakes that you can’t take back. This is common, so rest...
Strong Legal Help From Attorneys Who Care
Year: 2020
Could bankruptcy negatively affect my future?
If you are in a tough financial situation right now, you may worry about finding solutions to your quickly accumulating debt, especially if your income has recently taken a hit. While filing for bankruptcy could help you to address your debts in the short term, it is...
Should cars behave differently around student drivers?
Teenage drivers have a bad reputation. The idea that teenagers are inherently bad drivers is partially grounded in fact and bias. People often assume the worst of teenagers, even though many of them just want to do the right thing. That bias can lead to people having...
Will you have to sell your vehicle during a Georgia bankruptcy?
In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there is an obligation for the individual filing to sell or liquidate some of their assets to repay their creditors. That obligation is why people also call Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation bankruptcy. Liquidation is a critical protection for...
Does summer mean more car accidents?
You should never lose sight of the fact that a car accident can happen at any time of the day, regardless of the season. However, there are unique driving challenges associated with every month of the year. The summer season has the potential to cause more car...
Common causes for a denied workers’ compensation claim and how to avoid them
Anyone, regardless of profession or job responsibilities, could suffer an injury at work. A construction worker could fall from a ladder and break a bone. An officer worker could trip on an electrical cord and hit their head on a desk. A truck driver could suffer from...
What to do about a workers’ compensation claim denial
If you suffer an injury or illness on the job, it’s essential that you receive immediate medical attention while also learning more about your legal rights. Depending on your diagnosis, you may learn that you’re unable to return to work. And in that case, you’re...
The penalties are why people often fight their first DUI charge
Given that the increasing penalties associated with repeat offenses are common knowledge, quite a few people mistakenly assume that a first offense likely isn't very serious, particularly if they wind up charged with a misdemeanor or with what they consider to be a...
Does getting an attorney involved mean I’m suing my employer?
Filing a Georgia workers' compensation claim isn't always easy. There could be all kinds of issues that arise during the process that can make it very hard to manage everything on your own, especially if the issue involves your employer. From your employer contesting...
How does filing personal bankruptcy help you with your debt?
Debt is, in many ways, a necessary component of modern capitalism. Big purchases such as homes, vehicles or even businesses require substantial financial investment. If a person hasn't had time to accrue liquid capital to invest in a venture or a purchase, securing...