As summer rolls into Georgia, you may start thinking about getting your backyard pool ready for the season. Having a cool, wet place to go when the temperature rises is a welcome relief. However, it is your responsibility as the homeowner to ensure that your pool is a safe place. You have to not only watch out for the people you invite to swim but also you have to be sure to keep people you do not invite to swim safe, such as little children who may wander into the pool area.
According to the American Red Cross, one of the best ways to keep everyone safe is to ensure you have proper barriers around your pool. A fence is a good start, but it must not be something easy to climb over or through. It should have a locked gate and should be tall enough and solid enough that a child cannot see over or through it. In addition, you need to have barriers at the pool. This might be a safety device or alarm that goes off if someone or something gets into the pool. If you have an above ground pool, you should remove the ladder when it is not in use. This helps discourage anyone from getting in.
Beyond barriers, you also need to watch children around and in the pool at all times. Create pool rules and enforce them strictly. Let children know they cannot swim without an adult present. Finally, make sure everyone knows how to swim and keep a first aid kit near the pool area. This information is for education and is not legal advice.