Many individuals suffer from conditions that inhibit their ability to maintain gainful employment. If you have a disability, you could be suffering a lesser quality of life, potentially prompting a need to explore the available outlets for financial relief.
In your search for aid, you might choose to file for Social Security disability benefits. A similar process can be lengthy and intimidating, and if your initial claim results in rejection, you might be feeling somewhat overwhelmed and uncertain of where to turn for answers.
Receiving a denial for disability benefits
When facing a similar outcome, the first step is to gain an understanding of the decision, which could prove invaluable when seeking to appeal it. While there may be numerous reasons for a denial of benefits, some of the most common may include the following:
- Severity of condition: To be eligible for benefits, your condition must be severe and must also be expected to last more than one year. If the Social Security Administration determines that your condition doesn’t meet these requirements, your claim may result in a denial.
- High income: If your income exceeds a certain level, you may also receive a rejection of benefits because you are able to maintain gainful employment. If you experience a change in income, notifying the necessary party or parties is advisable.
- Medical treatment: Failing to obtain the necessary treatment, or to provide documentation of all your treatments, can inhibit your eligibility.
- Communication: Throughout the process, the Social Security Administration will likely need to speak with you on numerous occasions, and if you are unavailable and do not reply, you may receive a letter of denial.
Providing all the necessary information and staying in contact with the Social Security Administration might be a step in the right direction. However, covering every aspect of the process can be challenging at best, and it could be in your best interest to speak with someone with experience in the area for guidance.
Appealing a decision
Receiving a denial for disability benefits can be a stressful and daunting experience, and one that you will likely want to avoid the second time around. When seeking to appeal the initial decision, you could choose to obtain assistance from someone with extensive knowledge in federal and Georgia state laws surrounding your situation. By doing so, you could be in a much better position to pursue the benefits you deserve through the necessary outlets.