You may have a good career and make decent money in Georgia. But that does not make it easier for you to pay your bills. You might have lingering debts from a recent serious illness and have been struggling to catch up on payments. If you find that your debts are not going down and you are losing sleep due to creditor harassment and stress, it may be time for you to consider some options.
You may be interested in filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy so you can say goodbye to those debts and start over anew. But bankruptcy should be a last resort. Before you start the paperwork, consider meeting with an attorney. Take some time to review the following ways you may be able to get your debt under control.
Change your spending habits
If you do not track your spending, you could end up creating more debt”, states U.S. News & World Report. Think about your spending habits to determine which ones are necessary and can be changed. Tally up your financial obligations and make a budget. Once you have a budget, you can plan out your daily and weekly spending needs so you are not spending more than you absolutely have to and use the excess to pay off your debts.
Get financial counseling
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to admit to someone else that you are having financial issues. Speaking to a financial expert can help you to get a better understanding of how you ended up in the situation. They can also guide and motivate you to get your finances in order and on how to tackle your debts.
Contact your creditors
Ignoring your creditors will not keep them from calling and attempting to contact you for payment. Be responsible and inform them about your situation. Many creditors will work with you. If you feel your payment obligations are too high or are due at the wrong time of the month, ask them to lower your them and change the due dates.
Be realistic about your expectations. Allow yourself enough time to work on your debt. If you feel that your financial obligations are too great for you to handle, it may be beneficial for you speak to an attorney to learn more about your debt settlement options.