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10 Things to do after a Car Accident

Car wrecks are always alarming, no matter if it is just a fender bender or something more serious. It can be difficult to maintain a clear mind and know what to do following a wreck. Reading over the necessary precautions beforehand can prepare you so that if something happens, you are not caught off guard and can protect your rights. Here are some tips for steps to take in a stressful situation following an accident:

  • Stop

Do not drive away following an accident! Make sure you stop and stay on scene.

  • Protect the scene

If able, move away from oncoming traffic to preserve your safety. Turn off your car, make sure your car hazard lights are on, and look around to ensure that there is no imminent danger (gas leaks, oncoming cars, etc…).

  • Seek medical attention

Assess you and your passengers for injuries. Call an ambulance if any serious injuries are visible. Even if you feel fine, it is always a good idea to get checked over as some symptoms do not appear immediately.

  • Contact Law Enforcement

Call 911 to come to the scene. Having a police report can help you make insurance claims and documents the event accurately. Even if the other driver refuses, call the police anyways and record their license plate number if they try leaving the scene.

  • Detail the scene and take pictures

If you are able, take notes to document what happened and the scene while it is fresh in your mind. Take pictures of the damage, the road, any injuries, and the other car’s license plate. These notes can help you file the necessary reports and claims.

  • Exchange information with the other driver

You should obtain the name, address, and telephone number of all persons involved in the accident, including passengers. You should also ask for the insurance cards and driver’s licenses of the other driver and passengers.  If there are witnesses, you should get information from them as well. Do not admit responsibility for the accident and keep contact short with the other driver!

  • Keep an accurate record

Keep a file of the pictures, notes, insurance information, medical records, and contact information. This can be useful as you make insurance claims.

  • Obtain a copy of the accident report

Ask for a copy of the police report and check for any errors or mistakes.

  • Contact your insurance company

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Many insurance companies require immediate notification. They should work with you and let you know of the next steps.

  • Contact a qualified auto accident lawyer

Contacting an attorney is one of the most important steps in protecting your rights. They can provide you legal advice and make sure you are fully compensated for your vehicle and for your injuries. They are also helpful in dealing with insurance companies and obtaining medical records. Call now for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney – 706-861-0203. We handle car wrecks in Georgia and Tennessee!